P. Herbert Douteil CSSp
Projekt Jesuskind
Diözese Cruzeiro do Sul / Brasilien

Missionsarbeit am Oberlauf des Amazonas

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Reports of the formators in the project
"The child Jesus from Nazareth"
Cruzeiro do Sul, 13.9.2005

Some little stories of success . The formators are speaking about their work with the children.

"With love nothing is impossible" and love creates miracles. The proof for these words taken from the Bible we find in the activities of the young women, who are caring for the handicapped children in our project "The child Jesus from Nazareth". I have asked them to tell some stories with the one or the other child. Let them talk to us, every report speaks about the situation of the human being, which could be changed for the better:...

Report of Case Worker Maria Alzunivia Silva de Melo speaking of Kassis Abreu da Silva

Antonia and Maico
Kassia's mother had a normal pregnancy and delivery. The mother began the time of delivery with 6 days of losing water and on the seventh day losing blood that, according to the mother, the doctor said was normal.

The child was born on the seventh day, blue because of a problem of respiration. He remained in the General Hospital in Cruzeiro do Sul for three days. Upon being released, the child went home without any instructions to find a neurologist. At seven months, the mother suspected that the child was different from the other children. It was confirmed by Dr Jose Alberto that her daughter had cerebral palsy. She went to Rio Branco to have other exams and Dr Denise confirmed that Kassia has cerebral palsy. The child began a treatment doing physical therapy in Rio Branco. When she returned to Cruzeiro do Sul the treatment stopped because of a lack of physical therapists and the financial conditions of the family. Kassia is in the Project "Child Jesus of Nazareth" since its beginning. She lives with her mother and her brothers.

When Kassia was born, her parents separated and she remained with her mother. She was born without a left eyeball but is still a very happy and joyful child. She spends all day with her mother and her brothers.

When the mother is working, the little girl stays with her grandmother. In the first evaluation made on February 8, 2003, she only had control of her head, sat alone and rolled over. On August 8, 2003 a new evaluation was made in which it was determined that beside the control of her head, she had developed other capabilities as crawling, walking with much difficulty while holding onto the wall and remaining standing alone for a short time.

During all this time of physical therapy she has developed significantly. Before she did not have balance but now has; she succeeds in threading a needle and her motor coordination has greatly developed. She likes to do the work of physical therapy, loves to play and to listen to stories.

Her mother dedicated herself well in the treatment of the daughter and is very grateful to the Project for the work that is being done for her daughter and with other people who also need help. I am very happy in knowing and being able to see with my own eyes that we are helping in the recovery of the children who need it and have hope in God that in the future we will be able to help even more.

to an other report...

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